Thursday, 12 April 2012

Toxic Trio......I think not.....

After reading this so called report on nail polish being bad for you, i want people to understand a few things.

Nail polish will not kill you, yes there are chemicals in it but the amounts are so so small that they are harmless, and cause no concern to worry.

These chemicals in very large quantities could be dangerous, do doubt about it, but in regular size bottles of nail polish the amounts are so tiny it is harmless, with the nice weather coming and more people seeing nail technicians for treatments, this is not the news we want to read.

Nail techs have been using polish for years just the Joe public,some polishes do not contain the chemicals that people are talking about, and some do, it is not illegal to use the chemicals and us nail techs use chemicals daily in our profession, so as common sense goes there is a right way and a wrong way to handle chemicals.

Yes if the polish contains it, it should clearly state on the label that it does, but i am also sure that my polish bottles don't lie in wait for me to attack me when i am asleep or not looking!!

Common sense says it all, research the product you buy, if you are not happy with it for what ever reason then do not buy it, people are simply not going to stop buying polish overnight and if you are visiting your technician soon for a manicure and polish ask her about the toxic trio if it makes you feel better.

But be rest assured hundreds of bottles of polish will still be sold daily will Not kill you..

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